Caleb Schulman - Cheerleading - University of Kentucky Athletics


  • class Senior
  • Hometown Buford, Ga.
Nickname: Schulman
Hometown Buford, Georgia
High school/last college Shelton State
Class at UK 5th Year
Major or intended major:  Integrated Strategic Communications
Favorite sport (besides cheerleading) to play or watch: I enjoy playing baseball and watching football
Favorite food: Beef stroganoff
Why did you get into cheerleading/mascoting? Got hurt wrestling and wanted to compete in college athletics
What are your career goals?  Become an entrepreneur
Favorite movie:  Top Gun
Not many people know this, but I….  was temporarily paralyzed from the neck down for three days from a injury in high school
What do you enjoy doing outside of cheerleading?  Being out on the lake with friends and family, wakeboarding and enjoying the sun
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