Players Working Out: The players are in the off-season strengthand conditioning program supervised by coach Marc Hill, assistant ScottBrincks, and graduate assistants Keith Comeforo and Jamie Givens.
Coaches in Mix of Activities: The coaching staff is in a mix ofactivities during the next five weeks. The coaches are speaking atclinics, preparing for spring practice, and taking some time off.
Spring Practice Dates Set: Spring practice begins Mon. March 27and ends with the Blue/White Spring Game on Sat. April 22. Game timewill be 6 p.m. at Commonwealth Stadium. The Wildcats may practice 15days during the spring stint.
Whalen, White to NFL Combine: Two seniors from the 1999 team,tight end James Whalen and running back Anthony White, have been invitedto attend the NFL scouting combine this weekend in Indianapolis, Ind.