Guests are not permitted to bring in any outside alcoholic beverages, nor are alcoholic beverages for sale at UK Men’s Basketball games.
Animals or pets of any kind are prohibited with the exception of service animals. Service animals are welcome inside the building but must remain on a leash or in a harness at all times. If you intend to bring a service animal to the arena, please notify your ticket representative at the time of purchase so that an aisle seat may be reserved for you.
Signs which are hand-held and no greater than 24 x 24 in size are allowed at most events. Signs may not be hung or fastened anywhere in the arena. Small signs should not be commercial or obscene in nature or cause any disturbance with other fans. Rupp Arena reserves the right to remove any banner or sign without exception.
No commercial photography of any kind is permitted. Cameras with detachable lenses are prohibited. Flash photography, video cameras or any other audio/visual equipment is prohibited unless authorized by team, promoter or artist management. Guests should check the events listing on the website to find out the policy prior to the event.
For all UK Men’s Basketball games, every patron, no matter the age, must have a ticket.
In order to provide all guests a positive and enjoyable experience when attending events at Rupp Arena, we ask all patrons to please be respectful and considerate of their fellow event attendees.
Disorderly Conduct
Guests who fail to follow the policies set forth by the management of Rupp Arena / Lexington Center and enforced by its staff or those who violate any local, state and/or federal law will be subject to ejection from the facility.
Ejection from Rupp Arena
Disruptive or problematic guests should be reported to event staff immediately. Guests asked to vacate the arena may be escorted from the premises by event staff, security, facility management or local law enforcement.
This facility is within a “School Zone” individuals are prohibited from possessing firearms including concealed weapons.
Intoxicated Guests
Intoxicated guests are not admitted into Rupp Arena at any time. Intoxicated guests are subject or removal from arena property.
Patron Appearance
Patrons entering Rupp Arena must be properly clothed, which includes shirt and shoes. Clothing items must be worn at all times inside the arena.
The throwing of any object at any time inside the arena is strictly prohibited. Any person witnessed throwing a projectile of any size is subject to ejection from the facility.
If you lose or find an item during a game, please proceed to Guest Services for assistance. Our lost and found department is open 24 hours a day and can be reached at 859-233-4567 x3002. Rupp Arena is not responsible for lost items. Found items are retained for 30 days. Guest Services is located behind Section 17 and will remain open until 30 minutes post-game.
The selling or sampling of food and beverages and selling or distribution of merchandise, tickets or other items on Lexington Center property without written authorization is strictly prohibited.
The following items are not permitted inside Rupp Arena:
Weapons of Any Type*
Illegal substances
Outside Food and Beverage
Pets / animals**
Beach Balls
Laser Pointers/pens
Baby Seats or Carriers
Video or Audio Recorders
Cameras with detachable lenses
Bags/purses in excess of 16? x 16?
Stadium Seats
Helium Balloons
Electronic Cigarettes
Signs larger than 24” x 24”
Rupp Arena management reserves the right to prohibit any item from entering the premises. All patrons and their belongings are subject to search prior to entry and once inside the building.
*Rupp Arena’s definition of weapons includes but is not limited to the following: knives or blades of any length, metal nail files, chains longer than 6 inches not made of precious metals (i.e. platinum, gold or sterling silver), firearms (authentic or replicated, including toys), clubs or extendable batons, any type of chemical irritant spray, stun guns or Tasers, spiked or studded jewelry, brass knuckle or any other item that could likely be used as a weapon or may cause injury if thrown or used improperly. The only exception to this section of the policy is for credentialed law enforcement officers who have jurisdiction in Fayette County or are on assigned duty in Fayette County or are under the employ of Lexington Center Corporation at the time of entry. Said officers must be in uniform or identify themselves to Door Security Staff and be cleared by Metro Police officers under the employ of Lexington Center Corporation prior to entry.
**Service Animals as defined by the American with Disabilities Act are permitted inside the arena.
Rupp Arena has a No Re-entry policy during events. Guests wishing to return any items to their vehicle must do so before passing through the turnstiles.
In accordance with Section 14.97 of the Municipal Code of the LFUCG, the Lexington Center Corporation/Rupp Arena is a smoke-free facility. Additionally, LCC prohibits the use of E-cigarettes inside its facilities. There is a designated outside smoking area located across from Section 34 and re-entry is allowed with a valid ticket.
Selling tickets in excess of face value is illegal in the state of Kentucky. Furthermore, the resale of admission tickets to Rupp Arena is strictly prohibited within a 2 block radius of the arena (City Ordinance 198-83, 10-20-83).