Mark Stoops Monday Press Conference (Nov. 13)

Mark Stoops Monday Press Conference (Nov. 13)

Mark Stoops News Conference

Post-Alabama, Pre-South Carolina

Nov. 13, 2023


Opening Statement…

“Not much different of a reaction for myself after watching the film of the previous game. [It is] about what I told you postgame. [Alabama is] a very good football team. We had our opportunities to keep it close and make it a game, didn’t make those plays. That’s a very, very good football team that I believe—I’m not their PR person—when it is all said and done, that team is right there. I’d like to see three to four teams better than them. The way that their playing—the way that they’re getting stronger and stronger as the year goes on, very good team.


“For us, we have to put it behind us. We’ve lost to some good football teams. Three of our four losses are top-10 teams or top-11 teams. Three of them are top 11. All of them are in the top 20, good football teams. We have to find a way. We had an opportunity (with) the teams that are just outside of the top 10 to make plays to win those games. I’m as frustrated as most people to try and get better try to find those plays to win those games, but we’re not defeated.


“We have to regroup in a hurry and get ready to go on the road and try to get win number seven for us here this week at South Carolina, a team that obviously has played much better the last two weeks. They have also played some very good football teams and are more than capable of playing well in all phases. They’re always strong in special teams. Their offense is extremely explosive. Spencer Rattler is a guy that’s been around a long time. I feel like their running back (Mario Anderson) is playing at a very, very high level. Defensively, [South Carolina] made a few changes this past week. It will be interesting to see which direction they will go schematically. Definitely, some mix-ups that we have to be prepared for—some changeups. They are a very good team and we’re looking to just get better, have a great week, go down there in another very tough environment, and get a win.”


On reaching the recruiting levels of the top teams in the country…

“There’s about 133 of us who are looking for those [players]. There’s about two or three of them who have them, top to bottom like that. Certainly, some of the others that I don’t study as well—I know Michigan and Ohio State and some of the teams out west have some really good teams as well. I would put those two [Georgia and Alabama] against anybody. They are just very good football teams.”


On how the secondary will gameplan against South Carolina quarterback Spencer Rattler…

“Similar [to Alabama quarterback Jalen Milroe] in that he can buy time. He’s also very good in the pocket, and it was a problem this past week. We have to do a better job in both areas. Our rushes, we need to be better at rushing, being more disciplined and more relentless. Secondary guys—getting to the quarterback, not rushing past the quarterback, letting him have the easy pocket to step up into. Then, plastering and covering and being better down the field as well, he is similar in that way. Spencer has a very good feel for moving around the pocket.”


On analyzing the defense on film …

“I think that everything is fair to look at. When we analyze games, contrary to what people think, we’re not as hardheaded as everybody thinks. We look at everything. We second-guess ourselves, of course. When something doesn’t work, [we say] ‘maybe we should have done this or that’. We look at a lot of things and analyze it all, all the time. Late in the year, we constantly make subtle changes and try to do the best we can to put our players in a position to be successful. Sometimes, it’s very hard matchups that you have to win. You can’t protect all the time. There’s not a lot of magical calls, you’ve heard me say that for years, you have to win. When you play very elite teams, they have answers for you—you’re in zone, they go here; you’re in man, they go here. Especially, when you have a quarterback that does such a nice job of running and buying time in the pocket.”


On South Carolina wide receiver Xavier Legette…

“He’s a big, strong guy and can really run. I think that’s the biggest thing—size, speed, and strength. He makes competitive plays and has been around for a while.”


On South Carolina Offensive Coordinator Dowell Loggains…

“I really like Dowell—like him as a person, as a coach. I think he’s very creative. They create explosive plays are making a lot of hay on first and second downs. They like to get the ball moving and, when they get the ball moving, they can really go. They do a nice job of creating explosive plays.”


On if Andru Phillips will be available …

“I hope so, we’ll see. I’d love to.”


On defensive “eye discipline” …

“There’s different levels and different variations of that. Coming out of coverage, or doing some of that, some plays that are off-schedule, it happens to everybody. Watch pro ball, watch it all, happens to everybody. I’d like to not see it happen over-and-over again, but it happens. To me, that’s one thing, and the other eye discipline with candy and run game and other things like that. I mean, that’s kind of football. Not everybody’s stagnant anymore, and so we’ve been very good at that at times. I mean even — a team like Missouri and how good they are with all that. There’s a large portion of that game we played very good, very good defensive football against a team that is moving on everybody. So, it’s not constant, I wouldn’t say that. I think with some of the things they played, the off-schedule plays really hurt us. Heck, in that game, a fake punt is off-schedule — for a 50-yard gain. If you take that out, there’s some good plays in there — good game, it’s a good football game. It’s close.”


On the lack of explosiveness in the run game…

“I think you’re correct. I think our yards per attempt weren’t very impressive if you take that run out. So, we need to be a little more efficient. We need to get back to point of attack. Some strong defenses up front, but we still have to do a better job. We’ve done a nice job of getting the ball in the perimeter at different times and mixing that in. But also needing to get yards with our power run game, our inside run game. So, we need to get some movement — make sure we get back to being a little more physical in all sides, whether it’s o-line, tight ends, and backs, making sure they hit the hole and getting the tough yards. It’s a four-yard run, then get four or five and go from there.”


On what motivates his team heading into this week’s matchup…

“Zero influence on me on what happens to them. None, I don’t think our team either. Bowl placement is a reality for us, I think. Improving our placement, improving our record in the SEC, getting another win — you know what it’s worth. I think that motivation is more what we’re concerned about is us, is us trying to get another win, get to .500 in the SEC, and get to another win and improve our placement.”


On preparing for South Carolina’s wide range of play calling on offense and special teams…

“We have to apply rules when it comes to that. You’re talking two different things — You’re talking offensively or if you’re talking special teams. Special teams, you do have to prepare for a lot, and the big thing is applying the rules and having great discipline. In all special teams, applying rules because people get creative with different ways to create formations. College football is way more liberal than pro football with what we can do, and how we can disguise formations and eligible receivers and things of that nature. So that’s the kind of stuff we have to be on point with in that area. We could try to create a lot, to create every one of them, [but] not so much — we don’t have time for that, to your point. But offensively, I think we all understand that run, play-action pass [and] shots, when are they going to take their shots, when are they going to go for that. Setting them up — what formations, window dress them [in] different ways. I think just applying our rules and anticipation and then making plays. We talked about some of their wideouts and their big guys. They can run and make plays down the field.”


On learning from Mississippi State, night game on the road, on preparing for Saturday …

“Well, I think, it doesn’t hurt. We just went and did that and played in a tough environment. It takes some concentration, it takes some resolve, it takes some toughness from your football team to really lock in and go on the road with that mentality and pull the victory off. Hopefully, we can learn a few things from that, and hopefully we can clean up a few things from that game as well.”


On the punting game…

“Right now, our team is what it is. If I felt like there was somebody there right now that could help us, as I mentioned in several other press conferences, we would do that. I thought we were better in this past game with a dynamic return game. At least, if we were hitting the great punts, our nets were decent. I think we had a fortunate one bounce, then he hit a couple good ones with some hang (time). It didn’t give them a chance for a big return, which helped us. So, I thought we were a touch better, at least it didn’t completely really hurt us in the net punting game this past week. Their punter — they didn’t have to punt too many times, but when they did — that was another level.”


On what is sticking out from previous slow starts… 

“We are not getting first downs, obviously, stating the obvious there. We came up half a yard short one time and went for it another time in one of the games. It gets a bit frustrating; I can’t put my finger on any one thing. We need to execute better, fight for those yards, we need to get those. Coaches say it in a lot of different ways, fight for the inches, a yard, a play here or there, and those are things we really have to focus on. Starting is one of them. If you have the ball, it doesn’t matter whether you open the game with it or first possession or whatever. Even getting a couple of first downs, getting the ball moving does help. It helps your confidence, helps your field position, helps with a lot of things. Helps with plays as we have mentioned in here many times. Too many three and outs, you’re not getting enough touches, it hurts a lot of things. We need to try to have better answers. Coaches would be the first ones to tell you that we need to put them in better position, let’s give them a chance to be successful and then let’s execute and let’s play.”


On if he’s reached out to Jimbo Fisher… 

“I haven’t reached out yet. I’m sure he’s got way too much on his plate right now, so, no I have not reached out. I know guys on their staff that I am friends with as well, I haven’t reached out to anybody. I have had my own things going on here to try to put my team in a position to win, but I think we all know what is part of the gig here in this league, in particular, and same with Zach (Arnett, former Mississippi State head coach), didn’t see that coming either. I don’t know Zach that well, but he got put in a tough position to be in.”


On the defense becoming stressed by not forcing Alabama off of the field… 

“It’s fair, it’s always team. I’m not pointing fingers at any one area. Our defense had opportunities to get off the field, we couldn’t do it. And then three-and-outs or turnovers don’t help either. It goes hand in hand when you’re playing a really good team and yes it can overwhelm you because you have to play good in all areas. As I’ve mentioned again in here many times, we are not dominant enough in any one phase to just take over a game. We have to play well as a team to win big games.”


On J.J. Weaver tweeting that he feels that he’s let some people down, have you sensed from him and other players that they are feeling discouraged … 

“I think it is human nature when things go wrong or going bad, to react in different ways. You can definitely see some frustration in J.J., not even this past week, not towards anybody, just kind of down. He has worked hard and he has been around here a long time, he has been a really good player for us and I think sometimes players are pressed and want to make plays and want to do well for themselves, for their team, for their future, for a lot of things. The bottom line is, and I’m not pointing this towards J.J. but towards any player, it comes down, this is a fundamental game. You will make plays when technique and opportunity meet. When you have great technique, you’re working hard, you’re relentless, you’re doing things the right way, eventually the production will be there.”


On recording zero sacks against Alabama… 

“I was disappointed and that’s a fair point.  We just didn’t we do a very good job of getting to the quarterback.”


On the success of Missouri and South Carolina used by critics against your program… 

“It doesn’t. Don’t take this the wrong way, I don’t care, I spend zero time thinking about that at all, I mean zero. Eli (Drinkwitz) and I are friends, I talk to him. Last year, he was enduring a lot more pressure than I am enduring right now. He was getting a lot. He is having a heck of a year. Now I’m picking his brain, ‘Hey man, what are you doing, what’s going on?’ because we don’t play them next year. He has done a heck of a job; all of us are built that way. I can’t speak for everybody, but if you are successful in this league and hang around for a while, you are going to have thick skin, you’re going to take it. That’s why I never get too excited, I mean, have you ever seen me really, really excited after a win? I know it’s about seven days until I get a dart thrown right back in the middle of my chest (laughter). That’s why I don’t get overly – I get excited, don’t get me wrong, I’m excited for my players, I’m proud of them, I’m proud of the coaches, but I don’t ever get too high and I don’t ever get too low.”


On the social media banter between Kentucky and South Carolina fans… 

“I haven’t noticed, I don’t notice. About six months ago, or five months, I got a new phone and I don’t know how to work it (laughter). I don’t, I swear I don’t. I don’t know how to work X. It is kind of a good thing for me, I don’t see a damn thing (laughter). I just got this (points to smartwatch), I had to make sure my ticker was working right last week. But I don’t know how to use that, so I really don’t, I pay no mind to it. It’s competitive each and every week. As I just mentioned to the previous question, I don’t get too high, too low. I don’t have any personal, there’s nothing personal to me – it’s about our university, our institution, our players, our fans. We are working really hard to put them in a position to win and I think everybody is like that.”


On Nasir Addison … 

“He could help and hopefully really give us some hope and some depth for the future because he’s put together, can run, needs some experience. I like what I’m seeing on him and I like his attitude.”


On Deone Walker… 

“I’ve been proud of Deone. I mentioned it, he’s a guy that, much like I mentioned the previous question I was asking about somebody else, but adversity, it’s going to hit all of us. There’s going to be some good and some bad, and players are the same way. They’re going to have some good games or that, the X, people are going to be patting them on the back, sometimes people are going to be criticizing them. They just got to keep a level head. But for young men, sometimes it could get rocky and he hasn’t been perfect, but he’s been impressive. I’ll just put it that way. During some lows or during some bad times, he’s pulled himself right back up and that’s a sign of maturity and that’s a sign of somebody that could go on to big things as a leader and as a player, to not let it defeat you, not let it get you. I appreciate that about him. Coming from Detroit you would expect that from him.”


On the difficulty of grading players’ performance against a team the caliber of Alabama… 

“It is at times. We all have to own our stuff. Like if we have bad plays, if we put our players in bad position, then that’s on us. I’ve said it before and we’ve been through the years, like coaches, sometimes and early on, you know you’ve heard me talk about like, try to throw too much at the board, to try and get a stop instead of being who you are and playing and doing that. There’s enough criticism to go around all of us, and we all have to own that. And then there’s matchup problems and that’s a reality. And so if you compete and you’re in it long enough, you’re going to win and you’re going to lose. Individual matchups. you’re going to win and you’re going to lose. And I think you just have to, look at each and every one of those scenarios and make sure you did everything you could, whether it was film study, anticipation, competitive nature, did everything you could to put yourself in a position to be successful. And that, I think everybody can always look at and judge, and there’s no escaping that and there’s no running away from that. Then there’s other times when you’re doing all those things and they beat you. You could live with the results if you’ve done everything you can to put yourself in a position to win.”


On the rumor that there is a little bit of an edge in his relationship with South Carolina Head Coach Shane Beamer… 

“I have no idea where you would get that information from. I have no clue where that would come. I don’t feel that way, maybe he does, I don’t know, you have to ask him. I don’t feel that at all. It’s another game and we need it for our university, for our players. There’s zero to do with me and Shane.”


On having a lot to play for the last two games… 

“Without a doubt. We got to take them one at a time. And like I said, you try to get seven, try to improve our position and that’s our full concentration. But we all know what lies with the last one as well.”


On social media, a lot of the fan base is as disgruntled as you are with how the season has gone, what do you say to the fans… 

“When did I ever say I was disgruntled? You put words in my mouth. I never said I was disgruntled. I said I’ll never be defeated. A touch disappointed, I’m not disgruntled, I’m not defeated, I’m on to the next, I’m going to go try to win this game. To our fan base, what I would I say is, again, thank you, they’ve been amazing. I’m disappointed to lose some games at home when they’ve had such great environments. There’s been some really good environments and that’s what I asked for and appreciate that support and I know our players do and that’s what it takes. We’re going down to a team right now that just won, whatever it was, they’ve won back to-back games but have had a bit of a struggle and their stadium seems to be rocking as well. So, that’s what we need, that’s what we need in this league. And I would imagine this Saturday it’ll be rocking down there. It will be a great environment, tough environment.”


On the high level of support from Kentucky students this season… 

“I agree. It’s just amazing. they’re in there early, they’re loud, really rooting and so what I would say is thank you. Fans have every right to react however they want. They pay the money, they go, they support, I get it. I want a competitive atmosphere as well.”


On how often the song “Sandstorm” will be played this week and if he will be playing it… 

“I don’t know how to work my phone (laughter). But yeah, you’ll hear it. You guys will come over probably and cover us on what, Tuesday and Wednesday? And if you come early enough, you’ll be hearing it playing in there because we’ll hear it quite a few times. It’s part of our crowd noise. We have to create a lot of crowd noise for our communication, offensively, as you know. And yeah that’ll be part of it.”



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