UK Dance Team Tryout Video Submissions
Session name: UKDT Tryout Video 2022-23
Dates: March 29- April 8 (Midnight)
Price: $55
Description: In order to advance to the University of Kentucky 2022/23 in-person tryouts, you must have received a video by-pass, been signed by the UKDT coaches, or you must submit a tryout video by April 8th to be invited. The UKDT is now accepting videos from current high school seniors or current college students to receive an invite. (The earlier you submit your video, to earlier you will know your results)
The dates for our in-person tryouts will be May 6-8th
Record your video horizontally. Requirements for the video are: (In this order)
*A short introduction (Include your name and where you’re from)
*A 30-45 second Hip Hop or Pom dance (You do not have to use poms. You can combine hip hop and pom in one dance)
*Triple or better pirouette
*Double Toe touch
*Head spring to stand
*Rubber band
*Side aerial (both sides if you have)
*Tumbling (optional)
(Please wear: black booty shorts and black bra top in your video. Males, please wear all black)
Please make sure your video is uploaded to YouTube and is (UNLISTED). It needs to be videotaped horizontally. You will attach the video link within the registration.
Good luck and GO CATS!