2020 Women's Basketball Gameday Information
After consulting with health experts from the Commonwealth of Kentucky, the University of Kentucky and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), UK Athletics is implementing a number of new initiatives and regulations regarding Women’s Basketball games at Memorial Coliseum for the 2020-2021 season. The health and well-being of our student-athletes, fans and staff are our top priorities and will continue to guide our decisions.
Exposure to COVID-19 is an inherent risk in any public location where people are present. We cannot guarantee you will not be exposed during your visit to Memorial Coliseum.
Prior to arriving on the UK campus, we encourage all fans to check their temperature and conduct a health self-screening. Fans who have a temperature at or above 100 degrees Fahrenheit are asked to stay home and isolate. Fans who have existing health complications and are therefore vulnerable are asked to proceed with the utmost caution and to consider staying home and isolating.
Face coverings, over the nose and mouth, are required for all fans as they enter, exit and move around Memorial Coliseum.
Physical distancing measures have been put in place, including physically distance lines for concessions, bathrooms and other spots where lines generally form.
A significant number of sanitizing opportunities, including hand sanitizers and hand-washing stations, have been added.
UK Athletics staff will take additional measures to clean and sanitize, including high touch-point areas, which will be cleaned more frequently.
University of Kentucky Athletics seeks to provide the safest environment possible for all spectators, staff and participants. A risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place, including sporting events at the University of Kentucky. Fans with pre-existing health conditions or who are otherwise at risk should consider not attending on-campus sporting events during this unprecedented time.
Those who are not permitted to attend UK Athletic Events:
- Tested positive or defined as a close contact and not yet cleared by the health department to exit quarantine
- Were tested and have not received the results
- Informed that they may have been exposed
- Experiencing any symptoms
UKAD EMS crew will be on site to answer questions regarding symptoms.
All patrons will be required to take a temperature check upon entry at Memorial Coliseum. Patrons whose temperature reads above the CDC recommendation will not be permitted entry to protect the health and safety of all patrons, players and staff.
Failure to comply with the requirements outlined above may result in individuals being removed from and denied future access to Memorial Coliseum and other University of Kentucky athletic venues.
Requirements for fans
- Mobile Tickets will be required this season
- Fans are strongly encouraged to download the UK Athletics App and their tickets prior to arriving at Memorial Coliseum.
- Clear Bags are required
- Keep 6ft of physical distance where possible
- Masks – for staff & spectators
- Always required to be worn including while seated in the stands, traveling through the venue, going to the restrooms, purchasing food & beverages, inside the premium spaces.
- Masks or face coverings should:
- Cover mouth and nose
- Fit snugly but comfortably
- Be secured with ties or ear loops
- Gaiters made of two-ply material
- Be made of multiple layers of fabric or medical grade disposable
- Allow for breathing without restriction
- Masks should not be worn by anyone under 2 years old
- Fabrics masks must be able to be laundered and machine dried without damage or change to shape
- Face shields do not replace wearing a mask
- If spectators are unable to wear masks, they are encouraged not to attend games in person for the sake of their health and the health of others
- Mask enforcement will be treated similarly to other policies enforced at Memorial Coliseum, including no smoking/tobacco products, alcohol beverage use, artificial noisemakers, etc.
- Ushers will approach those not in compliance with policies and request they comply
- If they are faced with push back, they will involve University of Kentucky Police
- If needed, those not in compliance will be removed from the premise
- The above policy is in line with language on the back of UK Athletics event tickets: Tickets are a revocable license. Management may revoke the license and eject or refuse entry to the holder for violation of venue rules, illegal activity or misconduct…. Terms and conditions governing use of this ticket are posted on the website of the SEC (SECSports.com). By using a game ticket, user agrees to be bound by such terms and conditions…UK Athletics is committed to providing a safe and fan-friendly environment.
- Mobile Tickets will be required this season
Recommendations for fan
- No bags
- Medical Bags only
- Limit time spent on the concourse – no loitering or congregating
- Utilize hand sanitizer and wash hands as frequently as possible
- Plan to use credit cards, no cash
- If you feel bad, stay home. Enjoy the game on TV!
- No bags
To provide feedback in real time please text UKBASKETBALL to 69050 or post-event by emailing BBNFirst@uky.edu.
- Fans are asked to perform self-screening evaluations and to stay home if they feel sick or may have been exposed to COVID-19
- Clear bags only ukathletics.com/clearbag
- Game Day programs will be made available via QR code
- UK Athletics will limit the overall capacity of Memorial Coliseum to no more than 15%
- Spectator seating will be reconfigured throughout the general seating bowl to provide physical distancing between seat blocks
- Seating pods will be arranged so that ticket holders have no one sitting directly in front or behind them. We will also allow 3-4 empty seats between pods on the same row to create physical separation between groups. UK Athletics has worked with Ticketmaster to help develop a seating manifest informed by algorithms that take into account the overall allowable capacity as well as separation between seating pods.
- Fans are always requested to maintain 6ft of physical distancing between groups
- To encourage physical distancing, signage will be located throughout the facility and in the seating area
- Student seating information will be communicated as those plans are finalized.
- UK Athletics has transitioned to mobile ticketing for all home events this season. Mobile ticketing enhances convenience and safety for all fans while providing flexibility and safeguarding against counterfeit tickets. Mobile tickets will provide quick and contactless entry to Memorial Coliseum, which is the most sanitary and efficient way to enter the coliseum.
- Tickets will be issued via mobile delivery. Ticket holders will access their tickets on their phones and can transfer them electronically to other members in their party when necessary.
- Spectators will be strongly encouraged to save their mobile tickets in their smart phone’s digital wallet prior to arriving at Memorial Coliseum
- FAQs and resources to learn more are available at UKathletics.com/mobiletickets
- Doors will open 1 hour prior to Tip Off
- Physical distancing reminders will be visible in gate lines and points of entry to allow the proper distance between fans
- All bags must adhere to the UK Athletics Clear Bag policy. All bags and items will be searched. To avoid additional touch points, fans are strongly encouraged to not bring unnecessary bags to Memorial Coliseum
- Prohibited items will still be enforced.
- Prohibited Items
Animals (with the exception of service dogs)
Artificial Noisemakers
Combustible Heaters
Flash Cameras
Ice/Ice Chests
Large bags – nothing larger than 12” x 6” x 12”
Smoking - All weapons, including firearms, carried either concealed or openly are prohibited items at UK’s Memorial Coliseum per KRS 237.115. Anyone in violation of this will not be granted entrance into Memorial Coliseum
- Prohibited Items – Must be approved by UK Athletics prior to entering the facility
- Prohibited Items
- Game Day: Spectators will self-screen prior to entry based on an updated list of symptoms from the CDC.
- Staff at coliseum entrances will ask a few simple questions similar to “Did you pass the daily screening” or “Are you feeling okay today?”. Additionally, staff at coliseum entrances will ask for confirmation that the spectator’s mask meets all mask requirements.
- If “No” is answered to any of the above questions, then entry will be denied.
- Physical distancing measures have been put in place at Memorial Coliseum, including physically distance lines for concessions, bathrooms and other spots where lines generally form.
- Please keep a distance of at least six feet between yourself and other fans who are not in your party. Signs around Memorial Coliseum will serve as a reminder.
- Please sit only in your assigned seat. This will help to maintain the required physical distancing between fans in the area bowl.
- Please be aware of physical distancing protocols when on the concourse area and when entering or exiting the coliseum
Proper hand washing is encouraged for all fans. In addition to the sinks in restrooms, hand sanitizer stations will be located throughout the coliseum.
There will be a number of cleaning and disinfecting opportunities in place throughout Memorial Coliseum.
- Employees will wipe down workstations regularly
- Doors will be propped open when possible
- Signage around the coliseum will remind fans of regulations
- Hand sanitizer stations will be readily available