UK Football-Keeneland Shuttle Returns Saturday

UK Football-Keeneland Shuttle Returns Saturday

LEXINGTON, Ky. – Nothing says Lexington like a fall Saturday split between watching horse racing at Keeneland and Kentucky football at Commonwealth Stadium. Once again, Lextran has partnered with UK and Keeneland to offer a shuttle that will allow fans to do exactly that.
The shuttle will make its 2016 debut on Saturday, Oct. 8 as the Wildcats take on Vanderbilt at 4 p.m. Lextran will offer a shuttle to and from Commonwealth and Keeneland for $1 each way so that fans can enjoy the signature Kentucky doubleheader without having to drive back and forth in their own vehicles.
Fans can take advantage of the shuttles whether or not they have reserved parking passes at Commonwealth. Fans with reserved parking permits at Commonwealth Stadium for Saturday’s game are encouraged to park in their respective lots, while fans without reserved parking should park in non-permit parking locations. All football game-day parking and permit policies will be enforced. 
Shuttles from Commonwealth Stadium to Keeneland will run from 11 a.m. to 6:10 p.m. and fans can load the buses for the shuttle near the corner of University and Cooper Drive on campus. Shuttles from Keeneland will leave beginning at 11:30 a.m. and fans will be dropped off in the same location as pickup. The last shuttle will leave Keeneland at 6:40 p.m.  
For more information on the Lextran shuttle bus on Saturday, reference the maps and schedule on the football game-day website, the information below, or the Lextran website.20161005144052_keeneland_shuttle_diagram_10_8_16_002_page_1_jpg20161005144124_keeneland_shuttle_diagram_10_8_16_002_page_2_jpg

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