
(Sept. 25, 2000) — The South Carolina at Kentucky football game on Oct. 7 will be nationally or regionally televised, the Southeastern Conference announced on September 25. However, the final selections for Oct. 7 will not be made until Sunday, Oct. 1. Here is the text of the SEC release:

CBS has exercised a six-day option for selection of games to be televised on Saturday, October 7, 2000. The three games beingheld for selection are Auburn at Mississippi State; LSU at Florida; and South Carolina at Kentucky. ESPN has already committed totelevise the Tennessee at Georgia game at 7 p.m. ET. Of the three games being held, CBS will have first choice, Jefferson-Pilot willhave second choice, and ESPN2 will get the remaining game.

The following games will be televised on Saturday, October 7, 2000:

Jefferson-Pilot 12:30 p.m. ET   Auburn at Miss. State or LSU at Florida or South Carolina at Kentucky

CBS Sports 3:30 p.m. ET Auburn at Miss. State or LSU at Florida or South Carolina at Kentucky

ESPN 7:00 p.m. ET Tennessee at Georgia

ESPN2 7:30 p.m. ET Auburn at Miss. State or LSU at Florida or South Carolina at Kentucky

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