
May 26, 2000

LEXINGTON, Kty. – Former UK punter Andy Smith hassigned a free agent contract with the Seattle Seahawks. In his onlyseason as UK’s starting punter, Smith averaged 42.7 yards per punt in1999. He was a unanimous choice as the first-team All-SoutheasternConference punter. His high punts and accurate placement on or near thesideline helped limit opponents to a mere 53 yards in punt returns forthe entire 1999 season. UK’s team net punting average of 39.92 yardsper punt led the SEC, ranked fifth in the nation, and set the schoolsingle-season record.

Smith is the fourth senior from the 1999 team who will beattempting to make in the NFL. Linebacker Jeff Snedegar (Miami) andAnthony White (Oakland) also signed free agent contracts, and tight endJames Whalen, Jr., was a fifth-round draft choice by Tampa Bay.

Same Game, Shorter Name: The annual New Year’s Day bowl game inDallas, Tex., has been renamed the “SBC Cotton Bowl” after a sponsorshipagreement was reached between SBC Communications Inc. and the CottonBowl Athletic Association. The game was formerly known as the”Southwestern Bell Cotton Bowl.”

The SBC Cotton Bowl matches teams from the SoutheasternConference and the Big XII Conference.

Players at Home or in Four-Week Summer School Term: Many of theplayers have returned home for the month of May. Some players haveremained in Lexington and are taking classes in the four-week summerschool term, which runs from May 9 through June 6.

Most of the players will be in Lexington for the eight-weeksummer school term, June 8 through August 3.

Anthony Kelly to Represent UK at NCAA Leadership Conference:
Junior wide receiver Anthony “Champ” Kelly will represent University ofKentucky student-athletes at the fourth annual NCAA FoundationLeadership Conference, which will be held May 28 through June 1 atDisney’s Wide World of Sports in Lake Buena Vista, Fla.

Kelly is one of 353 student-athletes who were selected from apool of 885 nominees. The mission of the NCAA Foundation LeadershipConference is to provide an opportunity for student-athletes toparticipate in challenging and thought-provoking activities that willenable them to become better leaders on their campuses and in theircommunities. Student-athletes will improve their skills incommunication, decision making, problem solving, critical thinking andcollaboration. The conference also promotes better communication amongstudent-athletes, coaches, administrators, faculty and communities.

Coaches Complete Recruiting Period: The Kentucky coaches havecompleted their allotted days in the May recruiting period. During themonth of May, coaches are permitted to visit high schools, meet withprincipals, teachers, coaches, and counselors, visit athletic combines,and evaluate athletic competition, such as spring football practice,baseball games, track meets, etc.

Now, the coaches will compile their information and also beginpreparing for the summer camps, which start on June 7.

Memorial Day: The Memorial Day holiday is Mon. May 29. Rememberthose who gave their lives for our freedom. And, if you know a veteranof military service, thank him or her for the commitment that was made.

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