Please enroll my: __Son __Daughter
Please Check Your Choice__June 19-23 Day Camp I Boys/Girls Ages 6-14__June 25-30 Residential I Boys/Girls Ages 13-18__July 2-7 Residential II Boys Only Ages 10-18__July 9-14 Residential III Girls Only Ages 13-18__July 31-August 4 Day Camp II Boys/Girls Ages 6-14
Please Print or TypeName________________________________________________Address_____________________________________________City________________State______Zip__________________Age______Date of Birth________Parent/Guardian_____________________________________Home Phone______-__________________Emergency Phone______-__________________T-Shirt Size: (Adult Sizes)__XS __S __M __L __XL__Check here if you are a former Wildcat Soccer CamperPosition: (Check one) __Field Player __Goalkeeper
Return to:
University of Kentucky Soccer Camp
UKAA, Memorial Coliseum
Lexington, Ky. 40506-0019
Day Camp* First Camper pays full rate, each sibling receives$10 off regular priceResidential Camp
* Teams receive a reduced fee of $390 per player(12 or more players)
* Commuter/Non-Resident – $355 per player(8 a.m.-9 p.m.)
Housing InformationRoommate Preference:
Both roommates must request each other.
If you do not request a roommate, you will be assigned one.
Commuters/Non-Resident (8 a.m.-9 p.m.)