June 2, 1998
Four-Week Summer School Session In Progress: Eighteen Wildcats football players are taking a class during the four-week summer school session that continues through June 9.
Wildcats at Work in Weight Room: The Wildcats are working out on their own during the next four weeks. Approximately 25 players are in the Lexington area and are working out at the Nutter Training Center weight room.
Coaches Back in Town: The Wildcats’ coaching staff is back home following the recruiting period that ended May 27. This week, the coaches will discuss the results of the recruiting period and review their lists of recruits. The coaches also are preparing for their six summer camps and two team passing tournaments, which run from June 10-28.
Hal Mumme Schedule: Coach Hal Mumme will be in Denver from Tuesday through Friday, spending time talking football with the Broncos’ coaching staff. On Saturday, June 6, Mumme will play in the annual K-Association Golf Tournament in Paintsville. On Monday, June 8, Mumme will help host the Hal Mumme/Buckhorn Children’s Foundation Charity Golf Classic at Lexington’s Andover Golf and Country Club.