Men's Basketball

January 4, 1999

Ryan Hogan


“I think the Florida game helped us a lot, especially the young guys because they got the chance to play and get in there against SEC competition and see what it’s like. I think it helped me because I gotsome minutes and was able to play well.”

(On South CarolinaSum)

“They have talent at the guard spot. We will have to be ready to stoptheir penetration and the threes. They will be looking to get on the righttrack and we have to make sure that they don’t do that.”

(On South Carolina’s fansSum)

“I remember how crazy they were last year. You do hear the things theysay, but you just have to block that out and focus on the game. I had todeal with a lot of that in high school because we had some crazy fans in myconference. The fans like to do it because they think you’re a pretty goodplayer, so we have to use that to our advantage.”

Jamaal Magloire


“I feel like I can help this team win if I go out and work hard. Itdoesn’t matter to me how much I play, whether it’s 40 minutes or none atall. Coach Smith is a great coach and his track record speaks for itselfbecause he wins games. I support any decision he makes about this team.”

(On lineupSum)

“I figured Coach Smith would go with the bigger lineup, eventually. WithMichael Bradley, Scott Padgett and myself on the floor, the court getscongested and we can create problems defensively. That is three big guysdown low and we can create a lot of matchup problems.”

Wayne Turner


“South Carolina has a good coach. I haven’t seen any film on them yet, butI know they’ll be fired up and really ready to play us tomorrow night.They are going to be ready to try to beat us and we have to be up for thisgame and play hard.”

Tayshaun Prince


“I feel like I’m coming off the bench and playing pretty well. There aren’tany big differences in starting the game and playing in a reserve roll. Ididn’t sense that I would lose my starting position but I understand thatis part of the game. Whether I’m starting or contributing later in thegame, it’s still basketball.”

Michael Bradley


“The new lineup that we’ve been going with is working pretty good. Thislineup makes it hard for teams to match up well with us man to man. It’sgoing to work both ways though. We can control the rebounding situationbetter with a bigger lineup but it becomes harder for us to keep up withour sometimes smaller, quicker matchups.”

“The key for me and Jamaal is to back off the quicker guy a step or two,which makes it easier for us to contest the shot when the time comes.Playing the four position is comfortable for me. I feel great knowing thatJamaal is there to back me up in the situation that a man gets by me.”

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