Jeremy Streck
On next year’s offensive line
“It will be made up of younger guys, but they’ll be ready.They’re bigger than we were when we got here and are comingalong well. Those guys will be more than capable of doingthe job.”
On Offensive Line Coach Guy Morriss
“Coach Morriss has done a good job with us and I’m surehe’ll have the new guys ready next year. He’ll find the bestfive guys and get them ready to play.”
Jeff Zurcher
On his experience at UK
“It’s been a well-rounded time here, with football andacademics. But then again, that’s why I came to Kentucky.”
On waiting for the bowl game
“It’s been tough. It’s a lot like a Christmas present, youjust want to sneak upstairs into your parents’ closet andtear it open, but it’s just part of the process.”
Dennis Johnson
On going to a bowl game
“It feels so good to get to go to a bowl game. I’ve watchedKentucky football all my life and I haven’t seen them go tomany bowls, so it’s very exciting. It’s great to get thischance during my freshman season.”
On finals
“I’m constantly thinking about the bowl game, but we metwith our tutors and talked about how important it is tofocus on academics during these next two weeks. Finals arecoming up and we need to work hard to get all our credithours.”
Marlon McCree
On the bowl game
“I’m from Florida. I would prefer to go to Tampa, but anybowl game is fine with me and the rest of the team.”
On Mike Scipione
“Mike Scipione impresses me. He is very talented and has agreat arm. He can really throw the ball.”