Women's Basketball

Oct. 8, 1999

LEXINGTON, Ky. – The University of Kentucky women’s basketball coaching staff will conducta coaches clinic on Saturday, Oct., 30 from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. at MemorialColiseum.

The clinic will feature top high school coaches, floor demonstrations,T-shirts, a UK women’s basketball team practice and a UK women’s basketballscrimmage. Fifth-year Kentucky coach Bernadette Mattox will begin the daywith opening remarks at 9 a.m.

Gregg Todd, women’s basketball coach at Lexington Catholic High School,will speak about special situations in coaching at 9:30 a.m. UK assistantcoach Rick Griffith will follow with a demonstration on how to conductindividual instructions.

Beginning at 10:30 a.m., the UK women’s basketball team will practice forapproximately an hour. After a short lunch break, Louisville Manual HighSchool coach Mina Todd will discuss her ideas on “Practicing YourPhilosophy.”

At 2 p.m., Elizabethtown High School coach Tim Mudd willreview “Teaching the 1-3-1 Zone” followed by UK assistant coach LeslieNichols at 3 p.m. Nichols, the women’s basketball recruiting coordinator,will discuss the aspects of recruiting on a collegiate level.

For more information about the Kentucky Women’s Basketball Clinic call606-257-6046. The cost is $70 before Oct. 23 or $80 the day of the clinic.

Clinic Schedule for October 30, 1999

8 a.m.      Registration in Memorial Coliseum9 a.m.      Bernadette Mattox (Head Coach University of Kentucky)9:30 a.m.   Gregg Todd (Lexington Catholic High School Head Coach)            Special Situations10 a.m.     Rick Griffith (Assistant Coach University of Kentucky)            Individual Instruction10:30 a.m.  UK Team PracticeNoon        Lunch1:30 p.m.   Mina Todd (Louisville Manual High School Head Coach)            Practicing Your Philosophy2 p.m.      Tim Mudd (Elizabethtown High School Head Coach)            Teaching the 1-3-1 Zone2:30 p.m.   Leslie Nichols (Assistant Coach University of Kentucky)            Recruiting3 p.m.      UK Scrimmage

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