Full Name: Jared Steven Rinker
Birthday: July 8, 1985
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Food: ribs
Favorite Movie: O Brother Where Art Thou
Favorite Class Subjects: computer design
The last book I read was: Modern Architecture by Kenneth Frampton
The CD in my car right now is: AC/DC Back in Black
The last DVD I bought was: Underworld
I started shooting when:
I was a freshman in high school
My most memorable rifle moments are:
My trip to Alaska with the UK rifle team
When I?m not shooting, I spend the majority of my time by:
Doing homework, playing poker
The reason I chose UK was:
The highly ranked engineering program and the awesome rifle team
The things I like best about UK are:
The athletic programs and the pretty girls
My plans after college are to:
Be a civil engineer, designing structures of buildings and bridges