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Chalk Hands. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Ethan Rand | UK Athletics
Jillian Procasky. Skylar Killlough-Wilhelm. Ryan Noonan. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Tyler Ruth | UK Athletics
Dogs. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Ethan Rand | UK Athletics
Tim Garrison. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Ethan Rand | UK Athletics
National Anthem. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Tyler Ruth | UK Athletics
National Anthem. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
UK Cheer. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Tyler Ruth | UK Athletics
Introduction. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Ethan Rand | UK Athletics
Cecily Rizo. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Camryn Williams | UK Athletics
Alyssa Orgen. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Sharon Lee. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Isabella Rivelli. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Ethan Rand | UK Athletics
Historic Memorial Coliseum. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Cecily Rizo. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Hailey Davis. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Camryn Williams | UK Athletics
Isabella Rivelli. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Tyler Ruth | UK Athletics
Hailey Davis. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Ethan Rand | UK Athletics
Isabella Magnelli. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Camryn Williams | UK Athletics
Delaynee Rodriguez. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050-196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Marissa Gilchrist | UK Athletics
Hailey Davis. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Hailey Davis. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Tyler Ruth | UK Athletics
Isabella Magnelli. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Annie Riegert. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050-196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Marissa Gilchrist | UK Athletics
Skylar Killough-Wilhelm. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Tyler Ruth | UK Athletics
Skylar Killough-Wilhelm. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Coaching Staff. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Tim Garrison. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Tyler Ruth | UK Athletics
Chesney Bennett. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050-196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Marissa Gilchrist | UK Athletics
Fans. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Team Wildcat. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Ethan Rand | UK Athletics
Cecily Rizo. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Ethan Rand | UK Athletics
Cecily Rizo. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Makenzie Wilson. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Ethan Rand | UK Athletics
Mackenzie Wilson. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Fans. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Tyler Ruth | UK Athletics
Makenzie Wilson. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050-196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Marissa Gilchrist | UK Athletics
Tim Garrison. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Camryn Williams | UK Athletics
Fans. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Hailey Davis. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Camryn Williams | UK Athletics
Isabella Rivelli. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Camryn Williams | UK Athletics
Isabella Rivelli. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Camryn Williams | UK Athletics
Isabella Rivelli. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Camryn Williams | UK Athletics
Isabella Rivelli. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Isabella Rivelli. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Tyler Ruth | UK Athletics
Isabella Rivelli. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Tyler Ruth | UK Athletics
Mackenzie Wilson. Isabella RIvelli. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Isabella Rivelli. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Ethan Rand | UK Athletics
Isabella Rivelli. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Ethan Rand | UK Athletics
Ryan Noonan. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Camryn Williams | UK Athletics
Ryan Noonan. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Ryan Noonan. Tim Garrison. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Tyler Ruth | UK Athletics
Ryan Noonan. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Ethan Rand | UK Athletics
Hailey Davis. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Tyler Ruth | UK Athletics
Hailey Davis. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Camryn Williams | UK Athletics
Jillian Procasky. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Camryn Williams | UK Athletics
Jillian Procasky. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Ethan Rand | UK Athletics
Jillian Procasky. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Ethan Rand | UK Athletics
Coach Tim Garrison. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050-196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Marissa Gilchrist | UK Athletics
Hailey Davis. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050-196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Marissa Gilchrist | UK Athletics
Delaynee Rodriguez. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Camryn Williams | UK Athletics
Hailey Davis. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050-196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Marissa Gilchrist | UK Athletics
Delaynee Rodriguez. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Skylar Killough-Wilhelm. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Skylar Killough-Wilhelm. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Camryn Williams | UK Athletics
Skylar Killough-Wilhelm. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Camryn Williams | UK Athletics
Skylar Killough-Wilhelm. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Camryn Williams | UK Athletics
Skylar Killough-Wilhelm. Tim Garrison. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Skylar Killough-Wilhelm. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Tyler Ruth | UK Athletics
Isabella Magnelli. Skylar Killough-Wilhelm. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Skylar Killough-Wilhelm. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Ethan Rand | UK Athletics
Skylar Killough-Wilhelm. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050-196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Marissa Gilchrist | UK Athletics
Delaynee Rodriguez. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Ethan Rand | UK Athletics
Scratch. Fans. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Isabella Magnelli. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Camryn Williams | UK Athletics
Team. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Camryn Williams | UK Athletics
Delaynee Rodriguez. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Delaynee Rodriguez. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Delaynee Rodriguez. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Camryn Williams | UK Athletics
Delaynee Rodriguez. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Delaynee Rodriguez. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Delaynee Rodriguez. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050-196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Marissa Gilchrist | UK Athletics
Creslyn Brose. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Ethan Rand | UK Athletics
Delaynee Rodriguez. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050-196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Marissa Gilchrist | UK Athletics
Team. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Ethan Rand | UK Athletics
Creslyn Brose. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Camryn Williams | UK Athletics
Creslyn Brose. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Camryn Williams | UK Athletics
Creslyn Brose. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Creslyn Brose. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Creslyn Brose. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Delaynee Rodriguez. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050-196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Marissa Gilchrist | UK Athletics
Creslyn Brose, Raena Worley. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050-196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Marissa Gilchrist | UK Athletics
Sharon Lee. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Camryn Williams | UK Athletics
Sharon Lee. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Camryn Williams | UK Athletics
Sharon Lee. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Camryn Williams | UK Athletics
Team. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Camryn Williams | UK Athletics
Sharon Lee. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Sharon Lee. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Sharon Lee. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Ethan Rand | UK Athletics
Sharon Lee. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050-196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Marissa Gilchrist | UK Athletics
Sharon Lee. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Sharon Lee. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Tyler Ruth | UK Athletics
Sharon Lee. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Ethan Rand | UK Athletics
Isabella Magnelli, Sharon Lee. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050-196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Marissa Gilchrist | UK Athletics
Chesney Bennett. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Camryn Williams | UK Athletics
Historic Memorial Coliseum. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Ethan Rand | UK Athletics
Isabella Magnelli. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Tyler Ruth | UK Athletics
Chesney Bennett. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050-196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Marissa Gilchrist | UK Athletics
Skylar Killough Wilhelm. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Camryn Williams | UK Athletics
Skylar Killough Wilhelm. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Camryn Williams | UK Athletics
Skylar Killough Wilhelm. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Camryn Williams | UK Athletics
Skylar Killough-Wilhelm. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Skylar Killough-Wilhelm. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050-196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Marissa Gilchrist | UK Athletics
Isabella Magnelli. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Camryn Williams | UK Athletics
Isabella Magnelli. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Camryn Williams | UK Athletics
Isabella Magnelli. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Team. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Tyler Ruth | UK Athletics
Fan. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Camryn Williams | UK Athletics
Isabella Magnelli. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Tyler Ruth | UK Athletics
Isabella Magnelli. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050-196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Marissa Gilchrist | UK Athletics
Abby Bendar. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Camryn Williams | UK Athletics
Abby Bednar. Rachel Garrison. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Ethan Rand | UK Athletics
Abby Bednar. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050-196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Marissa Gilchrist | UK Athletics
Tim Garrison. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Historic Memorial Coliseum. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Ethan Rand | UK Athletics
Team. Fans. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Fans. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Delaynee Rodriguez. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Delaynee Rodriguez. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Ethan Rand | UK Athletics
Isabella Magnelli. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Isabella Magnelli. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Tyler Ruth | UK Athletics
Isabella Magnelli. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Tyler Ruth | UK Athletics
Isabella Magelli. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Ethan Rand | UK Athletics
Delaynee Rodriguez. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050-196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Marissa Gilchrist | UK Athletics
Isabella Magnelli. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Tyler Ruth | UK Athletics
Isabella Magnelli. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Ethan Rand | UK Athletics
Cecily Rizo. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Tyler Ruth | UK Athletics
Cecily Rizo. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Ethan Rand | UK Athletics
Isabella Magnelli. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050-196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Marissa Gilchrist | UK Athletics
Tim Garrison. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Tyler Ruth | UK Athletics
Isabella Magnelli. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050-196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Marissa Gilchrist | UK Athletics
Skylar Killough-Wilhelm, Jillian Procasky, Chesney Bennett, Cadence Gormley, Hailey Davis, Creslyn Brose, Isabella Magnelli. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050-196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Marissa Gilchrist | UK Athletics
Isabella Magnelli. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050-196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Marissa Gilchrist | UK Athletics
Skylar Killough-Wilhelm. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Ethan Rand | UK Athletics
Skylar Killough-Wilhelm. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Ethan Rand | UK Athletics
Cecily Rizo. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050-196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Marissa Gilchrist | UK Athletics
Skylar Killough-Wilhelm. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Skylar Killough Wilhelm. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Camryn Williams | UK Athletics
Skylar Killough-Wilhelm. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Skylar Killough-Wilhelm. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Skylar Killough-Wilhelm. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Tyler Ruth | UK Athletics
Creslyn Brose. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Ethan Rand | UK Athletics
Creslyn Brose. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Tyler Ruth | UK Athletics
Team. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Tyler Ruth | UK Athletics
Skylar Killough-Wilhelm. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050-196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Marissa Gilchrist | UK Athletics
Creslyn Brose. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Creslyn Brose. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Creslyn Brose. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Hailey Davis. Team. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Ethan Rand | UK Athletics
Hailey Davis. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Camryn Williams | UK Athletics
Hailey Davis. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Hailey Davis. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Tyler Ruth | UK Athletics
Hailey Davis. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Sharon Lee. Hailey Davis. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Fans. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Tyler Ruth | UK Athletics
Creslyn Brose, team. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050-196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Marissa Gilchrist | UK Athletics
Fans. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Tyler Ruth | UK Athletics
Anna Flynn Cashion. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Tyler Ruth | UK Athletics
Hailey Davis. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050-196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Marissa Gilchrist | UK Athletics
Chesney Bennett. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Ethan Rand | UK Athletics
Hailey Davis. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050-196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Marissa Gilchrist | UK Athletics
Hailey Davis. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050-196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Marissa Gilchrist | UK Athletics
Hailey Davis, Team. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050-196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Marissa Gilchrist | UK Athletics
Team. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Tyler Ruth | UK Athletics
Band. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Camryn Williams | UK Athletics
Team. Historic Memorial Coliseum. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Makenzie Wilson. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Ethan Rand | UK Athletics
Hailey Davis. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Camryn Williams | UK Athletics
Anna Flynn Cashion. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050-196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Marissa Gilchrist | UK Athletics
Skylar Killough Wilhelm. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Camryn Williams | UK Athletics
Team. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Ethan Rand | UK Athletics
Team. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Tommy Quarles | UK Athletics
Kaila Lawrence, Carly Busch, Alyssa Orgen, Hailey Davis, Cecily Rizo. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050-196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Marissa Gilchrist | UK Athletics
Fans. Kentucky defeats Auburn 197.050 to 196.600 on Excite Night. Photo by Tyler Ruth | UK Athletics
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