In light of the tragic deaths of Oklahoma State head women’s basketball coach Kurt Budke, assistant Miranda Serna and two other victims in a plane crash on Thursday night, Kentucky head coach Matthew Mitchell voiced his condolences to the Oklahoma State family.”It’s a very sad day for everybody,” Mitchell said. “I just want those folks out there at Oklahoma State, Kurt’s family, Miranda’s family and all the players there to know we will be praying for them and thinking about them.”At some point in the near future, Mitchell and the UK Hoops program will be attempting to get in touch with those at Oklahoma State to express that sentiment directly.”We’re certainly going to try to reach out to them, and I’m sure every program in the country will do that, just to let them know we’re thinking about them and praying for them,” Mitchell said. “I do believe that can help a situation. Sending as much positive energy that way, I’m a big believer in that.”Matthew Mitchell and his entire staff will wear orange and black ribbons as a sign of solidarity with the Oklahoma State program when UK Hoops takes the floor on Saturday against Southern Miss at 3 p.m.”We’re going to try to have our bench staff have some orange and black ribbons tomorrow to show our support and in some small way show we are very, very sad and very, very sympathetic,” Mitchell said.Mitchell also is taking the tragedy as a reminder he and his team should never forget just how lucky they are on a daily basis.”I think it’s also a great opportunity for everybody at Kentucky women’s basketball to think about how fortunate we are to be here,” Mitchell said. “It’s a time to reflect on that and understand we don’t need to take any day for granted and any moment that we have here, we should really cherish that.”