
Nov. 15, 1999

Hal Mumme

On how Arkansas’ win over Tennessee impacts his team:

“Obviously it shows that they can be beat. It probably helped a little bitbut I think it works in Tennessee’s favor too because they are seventh inthe BCS and still have a chance to go a BCS game.”

On Patrick Wiggins being named SEC Defensive Player of the Week:

“I think it’s wonderful that he was recognized. Patrick has been a verydiligent young man and very persistent. He’s a good athlete and comes froma good background. He’s very smart and we are certainly glad to have himcome here as a walk-on. For a guy to step up like he did when Willie Garywent down, it means a lot to your team.”

On Vanderbilt’s last drive:

“I was nervous like everybody on the sideline. We were just trying to staypositive and hope for the best and try and take each play as it comes.”

On injuries affecting the UK offense:

“You can’t lose as many experienced receivers as we have. Guys we haveplaying out there are trying real hard but don’t have the experience to getoff some of the jams they are getting against some very talented defensivebacks. They have a great scheme and they have great defensive backs, someof the best in the league.”

On Tennessee’s defense:

“Tennessee’s defense is great and they have depth everywhere. Theycertainly are deserving of their ranking. They let Arkansas stay in thegame with them and then at the end, I just think they could hardly believethat they were behind. It did not look like they played one of their bettergames. Athletically they are better than Vanderbilt and about the same asMississippi State. MSU had great DBs and Tennessee has several great DBs.Tennessee is really fast and they can run. You can’t really get them tiredout because they have enough people they can bring in and out.”

On being bowl eligible:

“We talked about it a little bit in the locker room the other night andwe’re very happy where we are. We are just hoping for a bowl bid and weneed to go out and play well and try and get another victory this week.”

On Tennessee’s offense:

“They’re as good as anybody in the country. It’s going to be a realchallenge for our defense to try and slow them down.”

On UK’s defense going into the season:

“My thoughts on the defense were that they would improve. I think they haveimproved as much as I thought. Obviously we were hoping to get off to abetter start than we did, but after the first six quarters of the season, Ithink we played pretty well. I thought if we can improve our points scoredagainst us and get it down below 30, I thought that would be a goodimprovement and we have done that.”

On the UK seniors playing their last game at Commonwealth Stadium:

“They are a great group. They are a small group, but they have all beengood leaders and will be very successful people in life.”

On Artose Pinner getting to play late in the game against Vandy:

“We did that on purpose because we needed his ability to break tackles. Thething I like about Artose is that he rarely goes down on the first hit. Weneeded that the other night because there were a lot of hits up front.”

On becoming bowl eligible and earning a winning season:

“We’d like to have a team that on the years we have a senior-laden teamthat we feel like we can get in the conference race and be a factor in it.On the years that we have a young team and are kind of rebuilding, you liketo feel like you can at least get to a bowl game and that was kind of ourgoal for the season. We are very close to accomplishing it.”

RB/WR Kendrick ShanklinOn playing on the line of scrimmage:

“When I’m lined up on the ball, there is a defensive back right in my face.When I’m in the backfield, I have five or six yards to make moves, sothat’s a big adjustment.”

On the injuries as wide receiver:

“It’s taken away some of our deep threats. Defenses don’t fear us throwingover them right now because we lack the ‘speed’ receivers.”

On UT’s loss to Arkansas:

“I’m sure they’ll want some revenge for what happened to them this weekend.At least we have them at home and not down there. It would be nice to endthe season with a home win. Any time a team that you have beaten beats yournext opponent, it makes you optimistic. Hopefully we can get the sameresult Arkansas got.”

C Nolan DeVaughn

On the Tennessee game:

“This is an extremely important game for us. It’s a border-state rival andthe UK-UT game is always big.”

On the team’s attitude:

“We’re certainly on an emotional high right now. The Vanderbilt game was abig win for us. We’re very up for this game.”

On Tennessee’s defense:

“Their defense is incredible. They have numerous All-America candidates.Their front four are huge and quick. They’ve got one of the best teams inthe nation. But we’ve played some tough defenses this season and we’ll beup for the test.”

On what he expects from the Tennessee defense:

“We know that they will do a lot of stunting and blitzing throughout thegame. We just have to be ready for anything and make ourselves as preparedas possible.”

On playing in the last home game for many of his senior teammates:

“You can see the excitement in their eyes. This is going to be a big gamefor all of us, but especially them. We will be putting everything into itto get the job done for them.”

DE Dennis Johnson

On lessons learned this season:

“You always have to be prepared. Teams seem to know about me now and willcome at me, so I always have to be ready for that.”

On playing at defensive tackle:

“When you’re on the outside, you can get upfield and the quarterback canstill step up, which makes it hard for an end to get a sack. But whenyou’re inside, you’re right in the quarterback’s face and you can reallymake some plays.”

On Otis Grigsby:

“Otis is playing very well. He’s been a big key in our success. He’s goingto be one heck of a ballplayer.”

DB Patrick Wiggins

On starting against Vanderbilt:

“I never would have thought that something like this could happen to methis year. I had pretty much accepted the role of backing up (Anthony)Wajda before Willie (Gary) got hurt.”

On his Interception:

“I reacted slowly but the quarterback threw the ball a little bit behindthe receiver and I just happened to be in the right place.”

On being named SEC Defensive Player of the Week:

“I just found out so I am still a little surprised. I never would havethought that something like that could happen. I’ll be calling my dad assoon as I get home today. He is going to be ecstatic.”

TE James Whalen

On importance of defeating Tennessee:

“Beating Tennessee is really just a personal thing for us seniors. Theyhave really had our number for as long as I can remember so it is somethingthat we would really like to do. It would really mean a lot to us to closeout our home careers like that.”

On what he’ll miss about Kentucky:

“I’ll just miss being a part of the team. The guys on this team have beengreat to be around so the camaraderie of the team is what I’ll miss the most.”

On his record-setting campaign:

“I had dreamed about succeeding like this, but you never expect to go outand set record or anything like that. That why you set goals and work hardto achieve them.”

On his time at Kentucky:

“It is just amazing how fast it has gone by. I can still remember my firstgame against Louisville when I went onto the field on special teams andstood and turned in awe of all the people there.”

“It is amazing how fast the attitude, the commitment and the environmenthave changed around here. We have gone from being a team happy to get by toa team that expects to win and go to a bowl.”

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