Kentucky Rifle Up to No. 1 Ranking

Kentucky Rifle Up to No. 1 Ranking

by Jake Most

LEXINGTON, Ky. – The Kentucky Rifle program is No. 1 in the most recent Collegiate Rifle Coaches Association rankings released this week.
Kentucky shot the best score in the nation last weekend en route to winning the Kentucky Long Rifle Match based on an eight-shooter score. The Wildcat’s five-shooter squad score of 4718 – 2336 in smallbore and 2382 in air rifle – was a season best. That score was a point better than The Wildcats’ best score in 2017.
“We’re proud of our performance last weekend to earn this week’s ranking,” Head Coach Harry Mullins said. “We are working very hard to continue to live up to this ranking. We have to continue to do what we’ve done and also improve because next week the whole thing can be reshuffled. Already it’s such a tight race and so close all the way to outside the top-10.
“I think this year we’ve already seen some really special things from a lot of teams and people around the country. It will be one of the tightest races to the finish in a long time.”
The fall semester ranking is based on a team’s highest score from the last weekend shot. The December 15 ranking will begin to use the three match score qualifying numbers.

Kentucky was ranked No. 3 in the preseason ranking.
For the latest on the Kentucky rifle team, follow @UKrifle on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, as well as on the web at UKathletics.com

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