We don’t like to brag on ourselves at UK, but I’ll go ahead and do it for my colleagues anyway.A huge congratulation is in store for the hard-working people in our media relations and publications departments for once again raking in the awards in the annual College Sports Information Directors of America Publications Contests. UK won seven awards overall, including first place in the following categories: Women’s Basketball Media Guides, Best Cross Country Cover, Best Women’s Golf Cover, Special Event Programs, Best Swimming Cover, Best Track and Field Cover, and Spring Posters. Kentucky also placed seventh in the Volleyball Media Guide Category. A number of people were involved in each publication, but congratulations to the entire department for all of the honors. Individuals were the backbone of the publications, but the awards are a direct reflection of the collective effort of the entire staff in our media relations and publications departments.View the CoSIDA website to see a complete list of the 2010 award winners.While awards certainly aren’t the goal of the media guides and publications the staffers at UK produce, it is a great honor for them to receive recognition for their tireless effort and work. Congratulations to everyone involved in the effort.