
July 8, 1999

University of Kentucky linebacker Jeff Snedegar has been named to the 1999All-American Farm Football Team by Successful Farming Magazine.

Athletes are chosen based on athletic and academic achievements,extra-curricular activities and farm or ranch backgrounds. Selections aremade by a panel of sportswriters, broadcasters, coaches and sportsinformation directors.

Snedegar, a second-team selection last season, was selected to the firstteam in 1999 after registering 63 tackles during the 1998 campaign.Despite a shoulder injury, Snedegar saw action in 10 games, missing onlythe South Carolina game. He recorded four quarterback sacks, caused afumble and registered a pass breakup while serving as a leader of UK’s”Black Flag” defense.

Snedegar raises thoroughbreds during the off-season, and hopes to continuehis work with horses after graduation.

The All-American Farm Team, co-sponsored by Dodge Truck, is featured in asix-page spread in the September issue of Successful Farming. SuccessfulFarming has a readership of 1.5 million and is the most widely circulatedfarm magazine in the country.

This is the third consecutive season a Wildcat has been selected for theAll-American Farm Football Team. Former Cats Jonas Liening, a three-timeselection, and Lance Mickelsen have previously been honored by SuccessfulFarming.

In Snedegar’s honor, Successful Farming will donate $500 to UK’s generalscholarship fund. Jeff and his parents will also receive a plaquecommemorating his selection.

This is the fifth season for the All-American Farm Team program. Duringthat time, the program has awarded $160,000 in scholarships to deservingathletes.

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